RF and Wireless54942 Parts236 Mfrs
Radio frequency (RF) refers to high-frequency alternating electromagnetic waves (radio waves). Alternating current (AC) that changes fewer than 1,000 times per second is called low-frequency current, while AC that changes more than 10,000 times per second is called high-frequency current. RF is a type of high-frequency current.
RF components are components that enable signal transmission. They typically include three main modules: the baseband chip, the RF front-end chip, and the antenna.
RF and Wireless Types
RFID, RF Access, Monitoring ICs933 Items
RFID Transponders, Tags346 Items
RFID Reader Modules166 Items
RFID Antennas197 Items
RFID Accessories70 Items
RF Transmitters380 Items
RF Transceiver Modules and Modems3570 Items
RF Transceiver ICs3156 Items
RF Switches3183 Items
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