Logic45376 Parts47 Mfrs
Logic is an electronic component used to implement logical operations and control. It is integrated with multiple electronic components on semiconductor materials. Logic devices can be classified according to their functions and characteristics, such as AND gates, OR gates, NOT gates, NAND gates, NOR gates, XOR gates, XNOR gates, etc., which are the basic building blocks of digital circuits. In addition, there are logic devices such as tri-state logic gates, buffers, flip-flops, multiplexers, decoders, encoders, etc., each with specific functions and uses.
When designing logic devices, attention should be paid to factors such as power consumption, speed/energy trade-offs, packaging form, edge transition rate, and voltage drift. These parameters have a significant impact on the stability and reliability of logic devices and must be carefully considered during the design process.
Logic Types
Universal Bus Functions358 Items
Translators, Level Shifters2007 Items
Specialty Logic1005 Items
Signal Switches, Multiplexers, Decoders5832 Items
Shift Registers1676 Items
Parity Generators and Checkers138 Items
Multivibrators567 Items
Latches2311 Items
Gates and Inverters10092 Items
Flip Flops4926 Items
FIFOs Memory2315 Items
Counters, Dividers2196 Items
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