IGBTs5168 Parts23 Mfrs
The IGBTs (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) is a composite, fully controlled, voltage-driven power semiconductor device composed of a BJT and a MOSFET. Compared to various previous electronic devices, IGBT has the following characteristics: high input impedance, allowing the use of general low-cost drive circuits; high-speed switching characteristics; and low loss in the on-state.
The IGBT combines the high input impedance of a MOSFET with the low on-state voltage drop of a GTR (Gate Turn-Off Thyristor), offering low driving power and low saturation voltage drop. This makes it an electronic device well-suited for medium and high-power applications. IGBT has clear advantages in overall performance, particularly in DC voltage conversion systems of 600V and above, such as those found in AC motors, inverters, switching power supplies, lighting circuits, traction drives, and other fields.
Types of IGBTs